Red Rock State Park, Nevada is home to some of the best sandstone bouldering in the western United States. The most popular areas are the sunny Kraft Boulders and Calico Basin which offer dozens of classic moderate boulder problems within close proximity of each other. If you want to get more adventurous, there are dozens of other canyons to explore with problems of all grades. If you’re willing to hike, the quality only improves!
Below you’ll find the top ten most popular problems in Red Rock.
10. Poker Chips V1
Poker Chips, v1
Poker Chips v1, Red Rock. 245 ascents logged, 4.3/5 rating – Sit start with big flakes; follow the lip up and right to the apex of the overhang. Top out above. – View more climbs and beta videos for Kraft, Red Rock on KAYA.
9. Monkey Bar Right V6
Monkey Bar Right, v6
Monkey Bar Right v6, Red Rock. 183 ascents logged, 4.0/5 rating – A nice problem that exercises the right heel hook. Sit start about three feet right of Monkey Bar Direct, work directly out the steep overhang, and move left above a jug rail. Top out as for Monkey Bar Direct.
8. The Pork Chop V3
Pork Chop, v3
Pork Chop v3, Red Rock. 204 ascents logged, 4.6/5 rating – Stand start; climb the right arête until it is possible to use the left lip. Top out at the apex. Precarious and committing. – View more climbs and beta videos for Gateway Canyon, Red Rock on KAYA.
7. The Wave V3
The Wave, v3
The Wave v3, Red Rock. 245 ascents logged, 4.2/5 rating – Start at the far right side of the rail feature; traverse left. Top out at the undercut arête. – View more climbs and beta videos for Kraft, Red Rock on KAYA.
6. Sorange V3
Sorange, v3
Sorange v3, Red Rock. 262 ascents logged, 4.3/5 rating – Stand start with a left hand downpull and a neat pocket at chest height; climb up and right following a crimp/sidepull rail to the top out. – View more climbs and beta videos for Kraft, Red Rock on KAYA.
5. Jones’n V4
Jones’n, v4
Jones’n v4, Red Rock. 238 ascents logged, 4.2/5 rating – A popular problem offering good, sustained movement. Sit start down and right with a left hand crimp and a right hand sidepull; work up and left, and then back right to mantle directly above or roll left onto the slab (easier).
4. Monkey Wrench V7
Monkey Wrench, v7
Monkey Wrench v7, Red Rock. 256 ascents logged, 4.0/5 rating – Sit start with a good rail in the middle of the varnished overhang, climb through the overhang above to odd pockets in the varnished bulge, and top out above. – View more climbs and beta videos for Red Spring, Red Rock on KAYA.
3. Monkey Bars V2
Monkey Bars, v2
Monkey Bars v2, Red Rock. 331 ascents logged, 4.5/5 rating – Numerous starts are possible to gain the large holds at the upper right side of the overhang. From these holds, continue up and right on surprisingly good holds that lead to a reasonable top out.
2. The Pearl V5
The Pearl, v5
The Pearl v5, Red Rock. 291 ascents logged, 3.9/5 rating – Stand start with a right hand edge/sidepull and a left hand pocket; climb the face above. The problem is shady from mid-afternoon to sunset. Holds broke in the 2010s, but the difficulty has remained roughly the same.
1. Potato Chips V2
Potato Chips, v2
Potato Chips v2, Red Rock. 423 ascents logged, 4.4/5 rating – An iconic Red Rocks boulder problem. Crouch start with small but incut crimps, climb directly to the lip, and mantle above. Hardmen of the 1980s, such as John Long, cranked one-arm pull ups from the crimps just above head height.
Top 10 Red Rock Boulders:
Top 10 Popular Boulder Problems in Red Rocks, Nevada
Red Rocks, Nevada is arguably the best sandstone bouldering in the western United States. The most popular area is the sunny Kraft Boulders and Calico Basin which are home to dozens of classic moderate boulder problems within close proximity of each other.
Find these classic problems and more in the Red Rocks Bouldering Guidebook on KAYA.